
Monday 20 June 2016

Dancing Stones Solstice Dawn

                               Solstice Dawn
             At 4.30 am the air is cool and so still that you can hear the waves breaking on the rocks half a mile away.  Cuckoos call, loud and long and the moorland gorse is alive with larks who sing but never rise before the Sun. Stonechats chip and chink and cockerels in distant valley farms below proclaim the dawn..

      "Great Spirit, at this time when so much seems dark in our changing world, open our hearts to the long light that sustains us and reveals to us the wonders of creation that our Mothers and Fathers have known for time out of mind, and as the spinning orbs weave our web of life let us be humble in the face of the endless love that holds and heals us all" 


  1. When I read this just now, it struck me that your writing style soothes with the same melodic, dulcet tones that came from my mother's fingers in the keys. I'm in awe and grateful for your presence in my life.

    1. I know I was awed, but I was apparently also blinded to my grammatical error! *On* the keys, not "in."
