
Friday, 14 February 2014


It's a short one today because it's late and I'm too tired to write much but hopefully the power will stay on long enough for a little natter...Isn't it amazing how quickly you can get used to things?  A couple of months ago, a storm like the one blowing out there at the moment would have had me peering anxiously out of the window, listening for the next howling gust and being generally a bit agitated. Tonight it's not bothering me half as much, I'm just truly grateful we're not flooded.
      With no possibility of gainful employment and climbing the walls with cabin fever, we took advantage of a break in this morning's deluge to make a quick foray to the allotment in search of veggies. Nobody else was about but it actually felt rather nice to be out; it was very mild and green, a definite air of spring - the birds think so too.
    The allotment path over the stream was too alarmingly flooded to cross so it was a much longer walk than expected to go the long way round. The heron who fishes by the bridge was diverted too, forlornly flying around looking for somewhere safe to find lunch . The allotment is best described as 'laid waste'. A few dry days and it'll look less daunting I imagine but there's so much to do, things should be planted very soon and there isn't a hope at the moment.  Very grateful for a good bag of vegetables though; parsnips, leeks, sprouting and kale, rosemary and pussy willows for the windowsill.
        What made me most very grateful today were a couple of pots of golden crocus bursting into bloom in spite of the weather. They're new corms this year, bought from the garden centre in September and I'm willing to bet that before planting out in our courtyard they've never seen actual daylight or rain or moonlight and another pot are a mix of crocus that have been kept for several years, flowered, died down and come back up without any interference from us. Today the yellow crocus in that pot broke their buds too, and you know why ? Because it's the Full Moon!  My sweet peas and antirrhinums are coming up too for the same reason. I'm grateful that regardless of the machinations of mass producers and their genetic tinkering, the Moon still effortlessly beckons and we all didn't? Are you sure?


  1. Proves yet again its the simple -natural things that make the heart sing! <3

  2. Grateful to have you sweethearts to share it with <3
