
Tuesday, 18 February 2014


Snowdrops, as you probably know, are best planted 'in the green' - meaning in full growth, and here in the far west that's about now. So I was delighted that after a few whopping hints, the Beloved arrived home at lunchtime today with a couple of nice clumps of snowdrops ~ thankyou, you're a Goody!
I love street music; In town this afternoon it was really good to hear the first buskers of the year, Flats and Sharps ~ a young Penzance bluegrass band ~   (you can tell if they're good because they have a guitar case instead of a hat) doing rather well too, deservedly so, thanks to them and all musicians,
catch them here.
For myself and many of us who work alone, one of the best of modern innovations is the podcast ~ hours of cold and tedious work now fly by in thrall to a multitude of  fascinations. I learned more stuff about the Iron Age today than I realised there was to know and if I listen to it a few more times I might even remember some of it. Gratitude then to experts of all sorts and to the BBC which in spite of some glaring shortcomings is still, in my opinion, worth the licence fee.
And although in principle I'd rather supermarkets didn't exist, I have to shamedfacedly admit to being rather infatuated with the brand new Sainsbury's store which opened here a month or two ago, I'm captivated by the little solar panels on its carpark lamps, its recycled rainwater in the toilets and its lovely lighting and air conditioning that you actually don't notice - it's just clean, tidy and lush and though I may well fall out of love with it and its GM Desiree potatoes quite soon, like all infatuations, it's pleasant while it lasts..


  1. Its the little things that make such a difference between a dreary day and a delightful day. :) x

  2. You had me at "If I listen to it a few more times I might remember some of it" - it's not just me, then!
    I'm loving these little insights into your world <3
