
Wednesday, 12 February 2014


In serious danger of cabin fever due to the endless gales and hail showers making any excursion from the house pretty uncomfortable, today I set myself the task of sorting out the 8'x7' box room which passes as my art/craftwork/yoga/sewing space cum storage of all associated materials and equipment, my seed propagator - oh yes, and the Beloved's wardrobe and dressing room (and let's not forget that he's a Leo.. )  As you might imagine, with fingers in far too many pies as far as 'projects' go, this space is rarely organised for long and from time to time needs a complete overhaul. To this end I purchased two large plastic storage boxes with dinky little wheels and spent most of the day reorganising Stuff..  There's candle making stuff, cosmetic and medicinal concoctions stuff , Painting and drawing stuff of all kinds, enough for my teenage dream foundation course, beads, ribbons, driftwood, shells, stones etc,etc; a couple of shelves of poetry and astrology books - I like good company on the odd occasion that I can find room to be creative in there, a work table, all my notes going back eons; a gorgeous little Victorian fireplace full of fir-cones, and a bunch of uselessly dried up willow...and on it goes.      Sorting it out is like that game you have as a child where mixed up tiles are set into a square case with one tile space empty and you have to arrange the tiles into rows of the same colour. Eventually however I arranged it to my liking in the manner of a broody old bantam about to settle on a nice clutch of eggs. What will hatch, if anything at all, is anybody's guess but I love this little room full of dreams and found plenty in there to be be grateful for today.                   
      Today I'm grateful for colour and texture, for green beads and smooth pebbles, for red ribbons and slippery Aloe Vera, for rough watercolour paper and the pearly pink fragments of long-ago- summer tiny shells.
    I'm grateful for fragrance, for chocolatey cocoa butter,  cool, sweet cardamom, musty old books and my beloved beeswax.
     I give thanks for the peace and calm of my tidy room, my slightly tidier mind and for the precious hours of a stormy day to dream a few dreams...


  1. It sounds like such a haven.... ❤️

  2. It is Alice, but very very small - good thing I'm a littly

  3. Amazing job done and still room to access my wardrobe. <3
